Root Canal

Have you just been told that you need a root canal treatment? Don’t worry you are not alone. Every year millions of teeth are saved and made functional post a root canal treatment. Read on to find out the what, when, how and why of a Root Canal Treatment and how it can give you your smile back!

The centre of the tooth is known as the pulp and is the region which houses the nerves and blood vessels. This keeps the tooth alive. When the pulp gets infected or inflamed a root canal treatment is advised to save the tooth. The infected pulp is removed and the canal cleaned thoroughly.

We at Dental Studio use the latest technology to make your experience pain-free. Most root canals are completed in one or two appointments alone. At times the infection may hinder completion of the treatment and a few more appointments may be required.

Before we start off we use digital X rays to confirm the need of a root canal and analyse how we can save the tooth in the given conditions. All the decay (if any) is removed before we begin with the procedure. An access is gained to the canal and then all the infection and inflammation is cleaned. Medicines may be used as an adjunct to establish perfect cleansing of the canal.

Once the canal is cleaned, we prep it up to be filled. Gutta Percha is used to fill the canal completely. This prevents any further infection creeping inside the canal. A filling is done to restore the natural shape and to strengthen the remaining tooth structure.

Most root canals will require a crown placement. The damage that was caused makes the tooth brittle and at time unable to take the biting forces. The crown takes care of these problems as it reinforces the entire tooth.


The process is quite easy, and if you go for a professional root canal specialist in Mumbai, it will not take much time. In general, it consists of three steps and can be done within one to three sessions. However, it depends on the severity of the condition. Here are the steps we perform:

  • Root canal cleaning

    For a perfect start, the first and the most important thing is cleaning of the root canal. Here, our root canal specialists make a tiny hole on the tooth’s surface and remove everything that is diseased from the root canal, like the dead pulp and the diseased tissues. The patients are given anesthesia by our experts, so you will be comfortable and without any pain.

  • Root canal filling

    After the cleaning, our dentists carefully clean and decontaminate the area. For this, they generally use irrigation and instruments. Once decontaminated, the affected tooth is adequately filled with a material with the help of dental adhesive cement. Since the tooth has become dead by this stage, you will not feel any pain. Plus, there will be no infection inside the tooth at the time of root canal filling.

  • Installing filling or a crown

    The above procedures will make the tooth more fragile. Don’t worry, as the process is not over yet. This is the time for installing tooth crowns. Once the crowns are put, you can easily use your tooth to chew foods like before.

Sometimes our specialists use plastic, fiber or metal rod inside the teeth to offer structural support. The process is very simple, and you will not feel any pain during it.

Don’t waste your time if you have a damaged tooth that can be treated with a root canal treatment. If not treated on time, it can worsen and you may end up losing the tooth. So, treat it with the help of our best root canal specialist in Mumbai now and enjoy your smile and food.

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Root Canal
Root Canal

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